In La La Land, cinematography is important in establishing strong responses from spectators to a key character. In the "Mia and Sebastian" scene cinematography is used in this way for example the tracking shot of Mia walking down the street past a wall of famous Hollywood actors/actresses who "made it" in Hollywood this shows that Mia will never live up to them and fulfill her ambitions. Also the paintings of the actors/actresses are bigger than Mia this further emphases her living in their shadows as they as they literally tower over her. This would make a active audience empathize with Mia as her dream is crushed. Also at this point the audience would not know about Sebastian's dream of a jazz club so they are even more likely to side with Mia as they believe she's been through harder times.

There is then a mid shot of Mia back lit by a red light this leads to connotations of anger and love which could be due to either Sebastian or her dead ended acting career, this juxtaposes Mia's blue dress which has very tame connotations such as calmness which gets overshadowed by the red showing Mia's true feelings.
When Mia enters the restaurant there is a mid shot of Mia.In this shot all the lights dim into a spotlight on Mia and Sebastian this establishes a strong response from an active audience but not a passive one. This is because a active audience would sympathize with Mia as they have only seen from her point of view from the start and they would have picked up on Mia's acting struggle
After this there is then another mid shot but this time it is off Sebastian. He is lit from a spotlight above this shows that Mia has him on a pedestal and the audience would think the same
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